
Prof. Mansi Kasliwal (California Institute of Technology)

"The Dynamic Infrared Sky"

時間/地點: 2021-10-01 14:00 [Zoom]


The dynamic infrared sky is hitherto largely unexplored. The infrared is key to understanding elusive stellar fates that are opaque, cold or dusty. The infrared unveiled that neutron star mergers synthesize half the elements in the periodic table heavier than iron (e.g. silver, gold, platinum); a clue hidden from other wavelengths due to bound-bound opacity. I will describe multiple projects to chart the infrared time-domain. I will begin with the SPitzer InfraRed Intensive Transients Survey that uncovered over 131 explosive transients and over 2536 strong variables. New discoveries include (i) deeply enshrouded supernovae, (ii) stellar mergers with dusty winds, (iii) 8--10 solar mass stars experiencing e-capture, and (iv) birth of stellar black holes. Motivated by this treasure trove, we commissioned Palomar Gattini-IR - a new 25 sq deg infrared surveyor. We have also begun building the next generation experiments - WINTER at Palomar and DREAMS at Siding Springs. The dynamic infrared sky is now ripe for exploration.

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