
Dr. Yong Tian (NCU)

"Acceleration Relation in Dark Matter Problem"

時間/地點: 2018-06-15 14:00 [S4-1013]


McGaugh et al. 2016 (PRL117.201101) revealed a tight relation between dynamical acceleration and baryonic acceleration in 153 spiral galaxies from SPARC database. It is consistent to mass discrepancy-acceleration relation (MDAR) which states the mass ratio between observational mass and baryonic mass strongly related to baryonic acceleration but unrelated to other physical quantities such as radius. It can well explain Tully-Fisher relation, deficient dark matter in ordinary elliptical galaxies (Tian & Ko 2016), surface densities discrepancy etc. Moreover, Tian & Ko 2017 focus on elliptical galaxies in strong lensing as well as the dynamics. We found the MDAR in 57 Einstein rings and 493 elliptical galaxies consistent with spiral galaxies. This talk will stress both on the observation results and the implications of modified gravity and dark matter model.
